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Alnwick castle! Vitajte v jednom z britských najznámejších hradov. Je dôležitou súčasťou britského dedičstva; jeho steny sú naplnené ...

27. 5. 2019

May 2019 favorites

We are slowly getting to the end of spring but weather is just like at the beginning.
This month favotires are mix of everything I liked at this cold, cloudy weather during exam time.

Fav drink- Black coffee with a spoon of dried plant milk and a pinch of cinnamon (it is better than fancy starbucks latté full of sugar, it has creamy taste, nice aroma, perfect for rainy days)
Fav food- Pilos Strawberry skyr (icelandic style, high protein, real flavor, really good breakfast/snack)
Fav hair product- Bioderma shampoo (nodé A shampooing, nice smell, consistency and using)
Fav book- Good articles online (no book this time, but I found plenty of good articles, e.g. startitup, bbc, slovak news and so on)
Fav theme- Red style (red ootd 24/7, iconic, fashionable, always trendy color)
Fav place- Around good company of friends (there is nothing better than second family named friends)
Fav quote- The worse a woman feels, the better should she looks. - Coco Chanel (no matter what, sparkle all the time, your problems are yours not others, live with it girl)
Fav youtuber- Marketa Frank (czech girl living her best possible life)
Fav tv series- Chernobyl (according to the real story that happened in my surrounding countries and also had consequences in our country and continent too)

This month was hard to have many of them because of the end of school year. I will have more next month I promise.

P.S. Sorry for long time no see, but my laptop went out and I am without my own one now. So I will try to be more active, but not as much as I was before. I hope it will get to the good old days soon. - your Ordinary

12. 5. 2019

Zero waste upgraded starker pack- household

I have been writting about recycling, separating, less shopping and more eco/enviro-friendly acts for a long time by now.
Today I think I could show you some steps to become more zero waste household by helpful products.
100% pure vegetable soaps/ shampoo/ shower gel packed in paper, you can find them in almost every drug store or healthy food stores
Glass for food storage in your kitchen/ bathroom or just to pack breakfast to go
Bottle for water/ a cup for coffee, one quality product will substitute milions of plastic ones, fill your own cups even in cafés or restaurants with plastic stuff
Reuseable make up remover pads or just clean your skin in shower, try to reduce beauty waste by making make up less too
Buy your food in your own bags do not take plactic ones in the shop, bring yours, keep them in your handbag/car or just next the door of your household to have them on your eyes
DIY products it does not matter if you make homemade cake or skirt, both counts the same

Just a quick overview of my tips. I hope you like it. See you next time!

6. 5. 2019

#mudrostnadnes- dýchaj

Sorry my English speaking friends! This "section" will be in Slovak.
I have started with it when I had Instagram. I did this content there, but in a short version.
Now, I want to continue again. I will post my "wisdom" and share it with you.
In Slovak?! WHY?! I want to capture exact feelings in there and I am afraid of the inaccurate description in the translation (or just want to collect it for a book?!? Hah..)

V živote sa stretneme s nespočetným množstvom situácií, ktoré pre nás nie sú príjemné, vadia nám alebo nás dokážu dostať až na úplne dno. V týchto momentoch, keď človek cíti, že nemá žiadnu šancu, nič sa mu nedarí, nevie čo ďalej je potrebné sa zastaviť. Počkať. Nadýchnuť sa. Nádych, výdych, Nádych, výdych. S čerstvo okysličenou krvou, mozgom a novou myšlienkou sa môže a dá riešiť viac ako prvotným výbuchom emócií. Nedrž myšlienky v sebe. Podeľ sa s nimi. No vždy sa najprv nadýchni sa, potom vydýchni a následne začni rozprávať. Nie všetko, čo hneď zakričíš je to, čo chceš. Stúpanie tlaku, teploty, stresu ti skreslí svet, myslenie aj pocity. Dýchaj.
Bez správneho dýchania ťa ovládnu zlé emócie, plač, hnev, krik a nikam sa nepohneš. Ak chceš na sebe pracovať, začni s dýchaním. Ani nevieš ako veľmi ti to dodá silu sa posunúť rýchlejšie a lepšie. Nesprávnym dýchaním sa dostávame do bezvýchodiskovej situácie, paniky, histerického plaču ba dokonca záchvatu.

A čo tým chcem vlastne povedať? Pomaly ďalej zájdeš. Najprv mysli potom konaj. Nadýchni sa, vydýchni a potom vydaj zo seba slová, emócie a nálady. Uvidíš, že to prinesie viac ovocia ako záchvat paniky, úzkosti a plaču. Zdraviu preukážeš láskavosť tiež.

1. 5. 2019

Lazy vegetarian- broccoli

Quick and easy!
That is my way of cooking.
I like to have my meal as fast as possible done and as simple as it could be.
Moreover, food in sale or long-lasting items are must-haves!
Today I will show you some of my recipes when I have broccoli at home.
Pasta? No problemo! Boil water, add pasta. Boil water number 2, add broccoli. When it is done mix these two ingredients with some sauce of your choice and done. I used this canned beans in tomato sauce. You know there is always something in a can in a good family kitchen so use it. Beans are full of proteins so no lack of them. Broccoli is full of vitamins and pasta for carbs. To be more complex sprinkle it with some kind of cheese or more veggies and herbs.
Rice? As easy as the previous one! Boil water, add pasta. On the pan mix tofu (with the water in it), some onion, boiled broccoli and veggies you like, add some herbs and done. Serve along with rice. Once again tofu full of proteins, veggie full of vitamins and rice for carbs. 
Potato? Go for it! Boil water, add potatoes. Preheat oven. Make layers of potatoes, cheese, broccoli, cover it with some sour cream, salt, pepper, herbs and bake!
One broccoli makes 3 different meals for 2 people or 6 meals for one person.
Yummy, healthy and one of my fav vegetables ever!
Are you a fan of this green lady or not?
You should anyway..
Have a nice day full of qreat food my deers.