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Alnwick castle! Vitajte v jednom z britských najznámejších hradov. Je dôležitou súčasťou britského dedičstva; jeho steny sú naplnené ...

1. 2. 2018

Tips what to watch part III.

Hi there!
Bored of school but the weather sucks and your wallet is empty?
I have an idea. Make a cup of tea/coffee (even a glass of wine), open your fav treat and lie down with a notebook on your knees.
Films are great. But they end early. We want to be in bed for a long time, do not we? Tv serieeees!
Here are some tips from me ( my current distruction during exams time, lol):

1. SUITS- law, justice, order, handsome lawyers.. I strongly recomendd to those who love the law and difficulties of everyday life.

2. SUPERSTORE- super chill plot with funny scenes aaand also pretty cute guy in there, hah.

3. FRIENDS- once again, i am addicted!!

At least make 3 cups of tea to have some exercise between watching and eating. Lovely evening to all of you!

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