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30. 12. 2020

December 2020 favorites

Last month favorites are here. I hope your year was good and wish you all the best in the next one.

Fav food- Christmas potato salat with mayo (I could eat this every day, lol. Traditional slovak food during any holidays)

Fav drink- LOYD tea raspberries&sallow-thorn berries (So good hot drink. I enjoy it almost every day in december. 

Fav memory- Holidays with my family (The best present I could ever get is healthy loving family)

Fav place- next to our Christmas tree (our first very own tree and we are so excited that it is so nice in here with this beauty in the corner)

Fav product- color cream for eyebrow by Delia (nice way to make your eyebrowns look natural eventhough you make them nicer)

Fav theme- Christmas spirit (It is similar to my previous one I know but this time of the year it is all over Christmas mood)

Fav film- Last holiday (The film takes place in my neighboring country. I love the main idea of the film and also performances of actors.)

Fav song- all christmas songs (Lol, I am listening them since september.)

Fav quote- Človek stáva zrelým vo chvíli, keď sa rozhodne nežiadať o to, čo má rád, ale začne mať rád veci, ktoré sa dejú -Feminity

The best Christmas movie of all times
Really cheap eauty tip
Have a happy New Year! -O.

12. 12. 2020

Postrehy in Slovak lauguage

 Pandémia. Covid-19. Vírusy. Chrípky. Úmrtia. Panika. Stres. Chudoba. Toto všetko sa spája s rokom 2020. Veľa ľudí prišlo o prácu, o blízkych alebo o život. Svet sa spomalil, negativita začala stúpať.

V tomto príspevku som sa však rozhodla opísať a spomenúť pozitíva môjho roka 2020.

Mrzí ma, že mnohé rodiny prišli o príbuzných. Kamaráti stratili kamarátov, deti rodičov, rodičia deti, zamilovaní svoje lásky. Mne zobrala rodiča zákerná choroba tiež. Viem sa vcítiť do ich situácie. ALE!! Práve teraz som šťastná, že mi ostali ostatní členovia rodiny. Sú zdraví, sme spolu, ľúbime sa. Nebojujte s tým, čo neovplyvníte. Zamerajte sa na to, čo máte. Na rodinu. Milujte sa.

Mrzí ma, že mnohý prišli o prácu. Stratili príjem, nemajú čím platiť hypotéky, účty, stravu. Tiež sme sa ako rodina ocitli v bezmocnej situácii, keď nám zmrazili účty. ALE!! Treba myslieť na rezervu, chápem, že niektoré rodiny musia žiť z výplaty do výplaty. Možno je na čase, prehodnotiť či je to tá pravá práca, ak nie ste schopní z nej prežiť (nenarážam tým na opatrenia, ktoré sú počas pandémie a všetko je zatvorené, ale všeobecne). Práve teraz som šťastná, že ma tá situácia poučila a na rezervu myslím. Šetrím, nemíňam, pracujem. Tiež som mala to šťastie a robím to, čo ma baví. Mnohí tú možnosť nemajú (nechcú?). Ak človek potrebuje viac peňazí na zabezpečenie, stále je možnosť mať viac zamestnaní, ak to časovo, fyzicky a psychicky vie človek zvládnuť.

Mrzí ma, že mnohý vnímajú online výučbu tak negatívne. Chápem, že vysvetliť žiakom základnej školy učivo je ťažšie ako vysokoškolákom. Ale povedzme si pravdu, v škole by určití žiaci nedávali o nič viac pozor ako v online priestore. ALE!! Kto chce a má chuť sa učiť si vždy cestu nájde. Každý máme príbuzného, kamaráta, známeho, ktorí sa v určitej oblasti, ktorú potrebujete naučiť rozumie viac ako vy. Stačí požiadať o pomoc. Treba si pomáhať. Byť trpezlivý. Mne online výučba vyhovuje. Nie je ú nás v ničom odlišná od tej prezenčnej. Vidíme sa, počujeme sa, diskutujeme, robíme úlohy. Tiež by som bola rada, ak by sa nám prednášky ukladali, nedostávali sme toľko domácich úloh, mali viac praktických vedomostí. No som šťastná, že mám možnosť študovať, vzdelávať sa a rozvíjať svoje vedomosti.

Mrzí ma, že študentom chýba študentský život- rozumej párty, pitie, internát, priváty. Tiež som to absolvovala. Určite t je súčasť socializovania sa na strednej/vysokej škole. ALE!! Nechápem, prečo by mal niekto takýto životný štýl mal žiť niekoľko rokov vkuse. Nechápem, prečo je niektoré deti doslova trápenie ostať dom so svojimi blízkymi. Nechápem, že pre niektorých je prínosnejšie flákanie sa po vonku ako strávený čas s rodinou. Možno to príde vekom. Možno nie. Som šťastná, že u mňa je na prvom mieste rodina. Nevadí mi tráviť čas s nimi, navštevovať sa. Byť doma.

Som zdravá, zatiaľ. Som šťastná, zatiaľ. A dúfam, že to tak ostane. Každý životný príbeh je iný. Toto je ten môj. Treba hľadať to pekné aj v zlých časoch. To jediné totiž vie pomôcť prekonať smutné chvíle. Buďte zdraví a opatrní kamaráti!

28. 11. 2020

November 2020 favorites

The last month of this year is ahead of us. November was so cold, colorful and full of docor. It brought lots of memories. My childhood favs I guess. I am excited what december could brings.

Fav food- eggs (I have been enjoying them since childhood but now I am obsessed, hah. They are yummy, healthy and very good in any meal)

Fav drink- Sprite (Again I am back in my childhood and my fav fancy drink, ofc not a healthy one, but I had it like twice a month in November.)

Fav skin product- Balea night cream (It has a really nice consistency and smell, good for regenarion and hydratation) 

Fav memory- Christmas shopping (Okay, my minimalism has been put aside during Christmas, we have bought some docorations and I enjoy it. But I tried to pick up also some natural products too.)

Fav movie- Bota jménem Melichar (As I said, childhood favs, this is not an exception. A movie is from the previous regime and describes school environment of that time.)

Fav place- Trenčín (The nearest bigger city to my home and I have never really explore it. This year is different. I am there more than often. Love it! Its history is amazing tho.)

Fav theme- natural (Eventhough, I am a huge fan of sparkling things I love nature too. This year is my Christmas theme both sparkle and nature.)

Fav quote- The magic of Christmas never ends and its greatest of gifts are family and friends.

Rycycling material is always one big plus.
Our first Chritsmas tree is gonne be fancy
Childhood memory and still the best movie.
This month we were there way too often.
I docorated our flat with natural items and made it myself mostly.
See you next month! -O.

14. 11. 2020

A day in my life- uni student during corona

Today I thought I could share a little bit of my life with you. An ordinary day during a week.
So I am an university student. Because of corona I have online classes. 
I woke up around 7/half 8 a.m. I go to the bathroom, clean my teeth, brush my hair and change my clothers. I check my phone and apps like Instagram, Facebok and Gmail to see all the news. Than I either watch some parts of some tv series I have started on Netflix or some youtube videos. On Fridays I do my big cleaning in the morning. Other days I workout. I am not hungry right after waking up. So I eat my reakfast an hour or two later. At first I drink planty of water with vitamins. Than breakfast depends on the season. In summer I eat full plate of fruit every morning. When it is cold outside I like to eat some yogurt with any kind of granola or fruit. 
Plain yogurt with cinnamon flavoured cereal muesli

After breakfast I have my online sesson from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. During the break I like to drink a cup of black coffee and of course water. When there is no online class I do my homeworks and self-learning.
We see each other, discuss and make notes. My fav position- wrapped in a blanket on the couch, lol

After online class I am hungry again. For luch I usually eat tofu with rice and vegetable. Every day is a bit different. In the afternoon I like to do have a rest. I like crosswords, sudoku and so on with a cup of coffe. This time my cup of coffe is tuned with milk. Other days I go to visit my grandparents and have coffe with them.
Train your brain all the time

My afternoons I like to spend outside. I either walk to my grandparents, to shop or visit my mom. <3
Autumn looks nice in here

Later on the day I prepare food for my boyfriend and I cook for next days and for dinner. I eat my dinner and no more work left for me.
I do not like spend much time in the kitchen, just sometimes

Evenings are my lazy hours, I do not like doing something later on the day, uups. Some days I have work. The other days I like to take a shower, cuddle and chill. Than I clean my teeth, change to PJ and good night!
Every day is a chance to make your life better and be smarter! Have a nice day. -O

29. 10. 2020

October 2020 favorites

Good bye October! Less than two months left till Chritsmas. Early nights, longer sleep and hot drinks are here as well as my favs for this month. Enjoy.

 Fav food- supplements (wait, what?!? Okay, I know not the casual food but fall is here and out immune system is more weak and our body need help frm outside, eat yuor vitamind, drink your calcium, D3 and some magnesium)

Fav drink- running water (I like to drink sparkling water, but this month I tried to drink just ordinary water and I am okay with it)

Fav memory- be healthy (just thankful to be alive and healthy during these times)

Fav place- Habibi (a bar in Piešťany with good drinks, yep there was a time when we were free (corona rules))

Fav theme- Fall season (already in fall sleepy mood, all dark, wet and cold)

Fav song- Everlasting love- Sandra (so catchy!)

Fav product- Lactovit body lotion (for a fry skin, it is very important to moisure your body during this season)

Fav film- Annie (is a musical about an orphan in 1933, she is waiting for her parents to come back an suddenly she moves to a rich man house where she starts to live. Lot of songs, dance and wonderful actors are there. I watched it on Netxlix.)

Fav tv series- Emily in Paris (on Netflix, a young girl moved to Paris to do her dream job there, she made new friends, new love, new life)

Fav quote- One day you will look at your love and believe in maracles.

                 Stay healthy my deers! -O. :)

11. 10. 2020

Ordinary home- husehold keepers

Hi there. Today's article is about my cleaning routine. I will show you my must haves that make my home clean, happy and minimalistic. In the future there will be more articles about minimalistic kitchen, home decor or organized lifestyle. Stay tuned. Now let us get into this article. Most of products are from DM. I do this routine once a week. During the week I do also some little cleanings like sweeping every other day, keeping kitchen clean,...
I like to start my cleaning by getting everything into its place and put the laundry in the washing machine.
Now it is time to do the actual work. I like to start in the bathroom. I apply this spray on the shower and sink. I let it work for 20 minutes than I wipe it with a sponge and rinse with water. I wipe the other shelves with a cloth soaked only in clean water. As the last thing I change towels and we can move to the other room.
The next room is a toilet. I wipe the flusher with antibacterial cloth and I continue downwards. As the last step I apply this liguid wc cleaner into the toilet and let it work also for 20 minutes than I wash it. The other shelves I wipe again just with a cloth.
Than I move to glass. We have two glass tables and 4 mirrors. I use this roduct and wipe it with a cloth. Other furniture in my bedroom and living room I wipe with a cloth and water (as everything).
The last room is kitchen. I clean all the surfaces, disches and food. I clean the surface, the cooking stove  and the sink at fisrt with some product for dishes because it removes grease very well. Than I apply this antibacterial spray to finish my cleaning. 
This product I want you to introduce. It makes magic. It cleans the kettle like no one.

I clean also my notebook, mobile phone and tv with these wipes.
When everything sparkles I check my bed whether it is settled, blankets on my sofa, hang loundry and we came to the last things in my cleaning list are vacuuming, sweeping and washing floors.
Now is time to relax. Have a nice day!

26. 9. 2020

September 2020 favorites

First month of school is here and another favorites too! I hope your first days were good enough to go through this year easily. Be smart, be safe, learn.

Fav food- Lentil rolls with chips/potatoes from Forky´s (this vegan restaurant is the best vegan restaurant in Slovakia, it is full of nutritious meals and vegan supplements)

Fav drink- burčiak (fermented grape must- an alcoholic beverage which is typical for this time of the year)

Fav ootd- Hollister shorts (quality material ideal for lazy days but also for sports)

Fav tv series- Gossip girl (It is an American teen drama television series based on the novel series, btw I have never seen it before! What a shame, I am 21 now, lol.)

Fav memory- Trip to Pandorf (first time in this outlet and i did not buy anything, omg, but so nicely oriented according to Slovakia, full of my fav brands and really easy to oriented there)

Fav hair product- Gliss kur hair repair shampoo (Schwarzkopf purify&protect with keratin serum and moringa seed extract)

Fav song- Heroes tonight- Janji (It was love on the first sight)

Fav theme- Christmas (lights all around my place, love it)

Fav quote- Pre niektorých ľudí budeš stále "príliš". Príliš hlučná, príliš tichá, príliš toto, príliš tamto. Ale pre ľudí, ktorí ťa milujú, budeš vždy jednoducho dokonalá.

Se you soon, bye.

8. 9. 2020

I went to the zoo!

We went to Vienna to see some animals and it ended up as a two day trip!
Hi friends, another low cost trip is here. This time it was a big surprise. We went to the zoo, it is said that the best one in Europe and while we were sitting in café in the areal we decided to stay there longer. We booked airbnb flat and enjoyed the city.
Just hard sleeping cutie pie.
The zoo is so big, there is so many animals and nice nature all around.
Metro is really good made. Easy orientation.
The city centre and wonderful Stephansdom.
In the evening we visited Prater, it was really amazing. I was skocked by prices and attractions. It is so reasonable and adrenaline at the same time.
Boomerang was crazy. We went forward, backward, upside down, omg!
117m and the whole city from a bird's eye view.
We saw lots of historical buildings, squares and statues.
The city is full of photogenic spots.
At every corner there is something to eat- ice cream, fast foods, kebab, restaurants with good prices. You will not be hungry at all. Vienna is reall vegan friendly too.
Coffee as my fuel for 18,5 kilometres a day in my legs.
Meanwhile in U-bahn.
Can we take a moment for this incredable setting.
Bathroom with hairdryer.
You know, 24 hours in Vienna, there is always chance to need to do some ironing, lol- love it!
Insta friendly airbnb af. Coffee maker, coffee capsules, kettle, milk, tea,... OMG!
Zoo ticket- 22 euro/ a person
Car parking- 3,60 euro/ 24h
City transport- 8 euro/ 24h
Prater- 4-5 euro/ attraction
Airbnb accommodation- 59 euro/ a night for 2 people
Food- no idea (for examle ice cream 1,5 euro/ a scoop)
Austrian vignette- around 10 euros
Memories- for free!!!
Have a wonderful day. Your O.

30. 8. 2020

August 2020 favorites

Summer is almost over but my favorites are here to remember us the best moments of this month.
Fav food- Chinesse noodles with soy souce (I just love simple food and this is carb heaven for me)
Fav drink- good strong coffee (along with early momrnings goes a cup of black strong liquid full of energy)
Fav cosmetics- PinkPanda Slovakia (I support our economy and shops so when it comes to make up which I do not own a lot I go for products n this wedsite mostly, besides my all time fav pupa)
Fav tv series- Život na zámku (It is old Czech tv series and I have never seen it before it so funny, full of negative situations in life and just reality of our everyday surviving)
Fav quote- Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. -Ernest Hemingway
Fav ootd- suitcase Hachi & Guess hand bag (finally I was able to try my brand-new suitcase and guess what- I bought another beauty to my bag collection, because I was missing something white. What can I say, perfection as usual)
Fav memory- summer vacay (photos with an article are below this one go and check, there are also tips where to go)
Fav place- Vienna (last weekend of august we spent in Vienna- photos in next article)
See you next time! -O.