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30. 8. 2020

August 2020 favorites

Summer is almost over but my favorites are here to remember us the best moments of this month.
Fav food- Chinesse noodles with soy souce (I just love simple food and this is carb heaven for me)
Fav drink- good strong coffee (along with early momrnings goes a cup of black strong liquid full of energy)
Fav cosmetics- PinkPanda Slovakia (I support our economy and shops so when it comes to make up which I do not own a lot I go for products n this wedsite mostly, besides my all time fav pupa)
Fav tv series- Život na zámku (It is old Czech tv series and I have never seen it before it so funny, full of negative situations in life and just reality of our everyday surviving)
Fav quote- Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. -Ernest Hemingway
Fav ootd- suitcase Hachi & Guess hand bag (finally I was able to try my brand-new suitcase and guess what- I bought another beauty to my bag collection, because I was missing something white. What can I say, perfection as usual)
Fav memory- summer vacay (photos with an article are below this one go and check, there are also tips where to go)
Fav place- Vienna (last weekend of august we spent in Vienna- photos in next article)
See you next time! -O.

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