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Alnwick castle! Vitajte v jednom z britských najznámejších hradov. Je dôležitou súčasťou britského dedičstva; jeho steny sú naplnené ...

11. 2. 2018

It is coming!

Slowly but surely!
Spring is coming.
So, let us get ready.

Firstly, check your closet. This year are glitters number1! Yay. You should look for some sparkling piece of clothers in your collection. Or buy one (sweather/skirt/shoes/scarf).
Then improve your make-up bag with brand-new brightener (have you ever tried warmer shade-the gold one?). They are incredible.

Secondly, clean your space. I mean, not only the room, but also avoid the people, who make your days worthless. In my opinion you could start with your room, make it your happy place and then try to think about the people around you. Fresh stars does not mean to stay alone. Maybe just consider if you have placid humans nearby.

New season, new try. Give a chance to something new. It could be a meal, smoothie, sport, film or eye shadow color. It does not matter. 

CHALLENGE for you- make a one new meal every week in March and see one new movie during the month. If you do so, let me know below or use #ordinarydanielle on the Instagram. 
- I would like to try cheesy masched potatoes 

Enjoy the rest of the winter and have a lovely day my deers! :)

1. 2. 2018

Tips what to watch part III.

Hi there!
Bored of school but the weather sucks and your wallet is empty?
I have an idea. Make a cup of tea/coffee (even a glass of wine), open your fav treat and lie down with a notebook on your knees.
Films are great. But they end early. We want to be in bed for a long time, do not we? Tv serieeees!
Here are some tips from me ( my current distruction during exams time, lol):

1. SUITS- law, justice, order, handsome lawyers.. I strongly recomendd to those who love the law and difficulties of everyday life.

2. SUPERSTORE- super chill plot with funny scenes aaand also pretty cute guy in there, hah.

3. FRIENDS- once again, i am addicted!!

At least make 3 cups of tea to have some exercise between watching and eating. Lovely evening to all of you!