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Alnwick castle! Vitajte v jednom z britských najznámejších hradov. Je dôležitou súčasťou britského dedičstva; jeho steny sú naplnené ...

29. 10. 2020

October 2020 favorites

Good bye October! Less than two months left till Chritsmas. Early nights, longer sleep and hot drinks are here as well as my favs for this month. Enjoy.

 Fav food- supplements (wait, what?!? Okay, I know not the casual food but fall is here and out immune system is more weak and our body need help frm outside, eat yuor vitamind, drink your calcium, D3 and some magnesium)

Fav drink- running water (I like to drink sparkling water, but this month I tried to drink just ordinary water and I am okay with it)

Fav memory- be healthy (just thankful to be alive and healthy during these times)

Fav place- Habibi (a bar in Piešťany with good drinks, yep there was a time when we were free (corona rules))

Fav theme- Fall season (already in fall sleepy mood, all dark, wet and cold)

Fav song- Everlasting love- Sandra (so catchy!)

Fav product- Lactovit body lotion (for a fry skin, it is very important to moisure your body during this season)

Fav film- Annie (is a musical about an orphan in 1933, she is waiting for her parents to come back an suddenly she moves to a rich man house where she starts to live. Lot of songs, dance and wonderful actors are there. I watched it on Netxlix.)

Fav tv series- Emily in Paris (on Netflix, a young girl moved to Paris to do her dream job there, she made new friends, new love, new life)

Fav quote- One day you will look at your love and believe in maracles.

                 Stay healthy my deers! -O. :)

11. 10. 2020

Ordinary home- husehold keepers

Hi there. Today's article is about my cleaning routine. I will show you my must haves that make my home clean, happy and minimalistic. In the future there will be more articles about minimalistic kitchen, home decor or organized lifestyle. Stay tuned. Now let us get into this article. Most of products are from DM. I do this routine once a week. During the week I do also some little cleanings like sweeping every other day, keeping kitchen clean,...
I like to start my cleaning by getting everything into its place and put the laundry in the washing machine.
Now it is time to do the actual work. I like to start in the bathroom. I apply this spray on the shower and sink. I let it work for 20 minutes than I wipe it with a sponge and rinse with water. I wipe the other shelves with a cloth soaked only in clean water. As the last thing I change towels and we can move to the other room.
The next room is a toilet. I wipe the flusher with antibacterial cloth and I continue downwards. As the last step I apply this liguid wc cleaner into the toilet and let it work also for 20 minutes than I wash it. The other shelves I wipe again just with a cloth.
Than I move to glass. We have two glass tables and 4 mirrors. I use this roduct and wipe it with a cloth. Other furniture in my bedroom and living room I wipe with a cloth and water (as everything).
The last room is kitchen. I clean all the surfaces, disches and food. I clean the surface, the cooking stove  and the sink at fisrt with some product for dishes because it removes grease very well. Than I apply this antibacterial spray to finish my cleaning. 
This product I want you to introduce. It makes magic. It cleans the kettle like no one.

I clean also my notebook, mobile phone and tv with these wipes.
When everything sparkles I check my bed whether it is settled, blankets on my sofa, hang loundry and we came to the last things in my cleaning list are vacuuming, sweeping and washing floors.
Now is time to relax. Have a nice day!