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Alnwick castle! Vitajte v jednom z britských najznámejších hradov. Je dôležitou súčasťou britského dedičstva; jeho steny sú naplnené ...

31. 1. 2019

Something just like this- lyrics

Something Just Like This
I've been reading books of old
The legends and the myths
Achilles and his gold
Hercules and his gifts
Spiderman's control
And Batman with his fists
And clearly I don't see myself upon that list
But she said, where'd you wanna go?
How much you wanna risk?
I'm not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss
I want something just like this
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Oh, I want something just like this
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Oh, I want something just like this
I want something just like this
I've been reading books of old
The legends and the myths
The testaments they told
The moon and its eclipse
And Superman unrolls
A suit before he lifts
But I'm not the kind of person that it fits
She said, where'd you wanna go?
How much you wanna risk?
I'm not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can miss
I want something just like this
I want something just like this
I want something just like this
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Oh, I want something just like this
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Where'd you wanna go?
How much you wanna risk?
I'm not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss
I want something just like this
Oh, I want something just like this
Oh, I want something just like this
Oh, I want something just like this

This song makes my cry every time I hear it. I love it so much. It is connected with thousands of memories of the best part of my life. I am really happy for this episode. And the song itself is very emotional in its own way. I want something just like this (again).
Which song makes you cry?

30. 1. 2019

#mudrostnadnes- karma

Sorry my English speaking friends! This "section" will be in Slovak.
I have started with it when I had Instagram. I did this content there, but in a short version.
Now, I want to continue again. I will post my "wisdom" and share it with you.
In Slovak?! WHY?! I want to capture exact feelings in there and I am afraid of the inaccurate description in the translation (or just want to collect it for a book?!? Hah..)

Koľko dáš, toľko dostaneš.
Toto je pre mňa taká poučka/ synonymum/ vysvetlenie toho, čoho sa už dlhé roky snažím držať (tú vetu si zapamätám do konca života a budem sa ňou riadiť teraz o to viac, že mi ju povedala zatiaľ najmilovanejšia osoba môjho života), no nikdy predtým som si to (ju) nevedela nejak objasniť. V karmu verím dlho (jedna z mála vecí, v čo verím), ale vždy som musela padnúť na úplne dno, aby som sa poučila, že ona síce dáva, ale aj berie každému ako si zaslúži. Ide tam o akúsi rovnováhu medzi našimi činmi a ich následkami s dôsledkami.
Pri mojich rozhodnutiach som ju mala vždy na mysli. Niektoré situácie som však podcenila a nemyslela na ich vývoj a pokračovanie dostatočne. Je dôležité, si uvedomiť ako a či naše konanie ovplyvní nás a naše okolie. Pri rozhodovaní treba rátať aj s "možnosťou B".. čo ak.. Mojou nevýhodou je, že buď vidím len "plán A" alebo to prekombinujem tak, že možných výsledkov je "xy" a sama neviem, čo si vybrať. Zamyslieť sa teda nad našimi skutkami treba, ale len do takej miery, akú sme schopný spracovať a neprekombinovať to. Nie nadarmo sa hovorí daj na inštinkt. Lebo keď človek začne moc uvažovať pri konci sám nevie kam sa to všetko rúti/ posúva.
Každý má právo veriť na čo chce. U mňa je to karma. Darmo sa budeme modliť k božským silám, nadpozemským bytostiam a podobne, ak nekonáme správne nieje šanca, že budeme dostávať správne veci. No nikomu neberiem jeho presvedčenie. Niekomu práve tá vyššia sila pomáha posúvať sa ďalej v dobrom slova zmysle. V konečnom dôsledku ide o to, ako si to urobíme. Či už s vierou v niečo alebo bez nej.

A čo tým chcem vlastne povedať? Či už v niečo veríš a si o niečom presvedčený alebo neveríš v nič. Minimálne ver v sám v seba. A tak či onak ty si ten, kto koná v svojom mene a znáša následky najviac.
Citát, ktorý čítam každý deň a mám na mysli 24/7

28. 1. 2019

Quality over quantity

As you may know, I am not a shopaholic anymore. I try to be as minimalistic as possible. I am not into big, worl-wide known brands. I like to support local, handmade brands. So when it comes to buying something I am very attentive in choosing. In this article I am going to show you our Slavak brands.

FARFALLA MIA- they have their own e-shop, but you can find them on Facebook too. Girls with passion in fashion are doing their job really good. Nice, modern, fashionable products. Just choose your favorites.
I go for this small black handbag. This kind of bag was missing in my collection. I suppose it is one of the must-haves in women closet.
Then I want to try something new. Or I would say re-new for me. In my childhood I really liked to wear scarfs and headbands all the time. It is nice throwback to this unique piece of fabric, which you can combine according to your own imagination. I went for ne in levander color. The color is really special. I can wear it in many combinations. And one ultimate uni-piece in black. Nice addition to every winter/spring outfit.


DOSTRIM- backpack from this brand I got for Christmas. I did not know about it before. I was really happy when I found out that they make it themselves. They have many different types of backpacks, handbags, crossbody, small bags,.. I have this pattern- pink and black just like two of my favorite colors

As you can see both brands are very eco and planet-friendly, no extra plastic things, bags, etc. Everything was also nicely packed. I highly recommend them.

I want to persuade you to buy local products, not just bags,.. also food, furniture,..more. It helps your country economy and also environment by saving for export and import.

Have a lovely day! Thank you for every single visit on my blog. I really appreciate it.

25. 1. 2019

#mudrostnadnes- osobnosť

Sorry my English speaking friends! This "section" will be in Slovak.
I have started with it when I had Instagram. I did this content there, but in a short version.
Now, I want to continue again. I will post my "wisdom" and share it with you.
In Slovak?! WHY?! I want to capture exact feelings in there and I am afraid of the inaccurate description in the translation (or just want to collect it for a book?!? Hah..)

Naša povaha, osobnosť, individualita sa formuje, sceluje a tvaruje celý život. Podľa mňa hlavne prvú polovicu života. No je to individuálne u každého jedného. 
Veľký vplyv majú na nás od narodenia až po pubertu rodičia, blízky a okolie. V tomto čase je na rodičoch akým smerom nás nasmerujú, čomu nás naučia, ako nás ovplyvnia, ako veľmi si na tom dajú záležať. Sme ako takým obrazom ich osobností a snahy urobiť nás lepšími alebo podobnými ako boli oni. 
Počas puberty si myslím, že rodičia majú moc len silnou autoritou a dospievajúci sú hlavne ovplyvnení svojimi kamarátmi, školou či vonkajšími vplyvmi. Sami s pomocou okolia robia rozhodnutia, činy a správajú sa tak, ako si myslia že je v danej situácií vhodné medzi rovesníkmi. Niekedy sa rozhodnú dobre, niekedy nie. Teda aspoň u mňa to tak bolo. Vždy som sa snažila prispôsobiť a chovať sa tak, ako to odo mňa okolie očakáva. Prinajmenšom ako si myslím, že to chcú.
Okrem toho mám jednu vlastnosť. Dokážem sa vcítiť do ľudí a ich pocitov. Viem sa preniesť do ich situácie. Dokážem vycítiť osobnosť cudzích ľudí. Prvým dojmom si viem urobiť obraz na nich. Neviem "prečítať" príslušníkov rodiny. Podvedome sa v blízkosti ľudí chovám tak, akým smerom to druhá strana naladí, chcem im vyhovieť, konať tak, aby sa cítili v mojej prítomnosti dobre, aby našli o mne porozumenie a oporu alebo prinajmenšom, aby som sa necítili zle v mojej prítomnosti. Stretla som sa vďaka tomu s kritikou, opovrhovaním, označeniami ako falošná, bez názoru, ovplyvniteľná,..
ÁNO, niečo na tom pravdy je. Tým, že sa snažím vyhovieť vlastne im nedávam to čo tým chcem dosiahnuť (oporu, pravdu, pomoc), len hovorím často-krát to, čo len chcú počuť. NIE, nerobím to vedome a s vedomím byť najlepšia, byť vzor, vodca, manipulátor. Je to prirodzený "dar či prekliatie", ktorý ma podvedome "núti" byť v každej situácií akousi pomocou alebo prinajmenšom oporou. 
Po prediskutovaní tohto všetkého som zistila, že naozaj nemám vlastnú celistvú osobnosť. Časť sa vybudovala v detstve a rodičmi, časť som si formovala v dospievaní s kamarátmi, časť je stále menená okolím a udalosťami okolo mňa. Stále neviem kto som.. 

A tým chcem vlastne povedať? Naša osobnosť sa formuje v rôznych etapách. Veľa razy nás vyformujú podmienky, v akých žijeme, rodičia alebo len my sami. V iných prípadoch do toho zasiahnu aj kamaráti/nepriatelia. V ďalších prípadoch sú tam neodlučiteľné činitele, ktoré nezmeníme (choroby, postihnutia, "dary",..). Nesúďte ľudí bez toho, aby ste poznali ich príbeh a prečo sú takí, akí sú. No skúste si i tu pravú vlastnú identitu nájsť a pracovať na nej. Tak ako ja.
Vždy ide hlavne o náš vnútorný boj

24. 1. 2019

#mudrostnadnes- škola

Sorry my English speaking friends! This "section" will be in Slovak.
I have started with it when I had Instagram. I did this content there, but in a short version.
Now, I want to continue again. I will post my "wisdom" and share it with you.
In Slovak?! WHY?! I want to capture exact feelings in there and I am afraid of the inaccurate description in the translation (or just want to collect it for a book?!? Hah..)

Základnú školu si viac menej nevyberieme sami. Vyberú nám ju rodičia. Niekedy ani tí nie. Ideme do tej, ktorá je v našom okolí. Tú, kam išli deti zo škôlky, kde sme chodili. Tú, ktorú rodičom odporučili známy. Tú, ktorú nám pridelili. 
Lenže, ak sa nám tam prestane páčiť, nesadneme si s kolektívom alebo učiteľmi, je tu tá možnosť odísť. Do inej triedy, do inej školy v meste, do iného mesta. Či už na prvom stupni, po ňom alebo z ôsmeho ročníka tak ako ja.
Škola sama o sebe nebola ničím výnimočná, ale ani extra zlá. Kolektív bol ku mne takí, aká som bola ja k nim. Nikto a nič mi tam však nestálo za to ostať. Môžem aj povedať, že som sa tam časom aj nudila. Po odhodlaní kamarátky ísť skúsiť niečo iné, niečo nové som išla aj ja. Ešte stále nie úplne rozhodnutá, či chcem odísť alebo ostať.
Napísala som prijímačky. Zobrali ma. Išla som. Vyhla som sa poslednému (podľa mňa zbytočnému) ročníku na základnej škole a odišla som na bilingválne gymnázium. Znova existuje možnosť prestúpiť do inej triedy, školy, mesta,.. Ostala som. Prvý ročník som bola rozhodnutá, že som urobila dobre. Druhý ročník som vedela, že to bolo správne rozhodnutie, odísť zo základnej, no na pochybách som bola s výberom školy. Tretí ročník ma presvedčil, že bilingválne gymnázium bola pre mňa dobrá voľba, no mala som asi vybrať iné mesto. Štvrtý ročník som sa zmierila s tým, kde som a už sa to meniť neoplatí. Piaty ročník som dala zo seba to najlepšie a odišla spokojná s pocitom, že som sa tam dosť naučila, no vďaka sebe, nie škole.
Nastal čas na vysokú školu. Vedela som, že chcem študovať ďalej. Nevedela som čo. Rozmýšľala som nad tým niekoľko rokov a aj stále rozmýšľam. Stále to neviem. Po uvážení, že niesom typ človeka, čo dokáže ísť sám do cudzej krajiny- voľba bola jasná: Slovensko/Česko? Po pozretí si škôl v Česku stále ma nič neoslovilo natoľko, aby som bola ochotná investovať toľké peniaze do toho. Vyhralo Slovensko. Po pozretí slovenských škôl som bola rok rozhodnutá pre jednu. Odobrilo mi ju celé okolie. Jedného dňa sa k nej pripojila i druhá. A nekonečné rozhodovanie pokračovalo. Nakoniec to neostalo pri dvoch prihláškach a poslala som viac. Vtedy som však vedela, že v hre sú stále aj tak iba tieto dve. Jedna s prijímačkami druhá bez. Prijímačky som urobila. Predchádzali im dlhé hodiny samo-výučby. Avšak prihlásila som sa na tú bez už pred ich výsledkami. Rozhodnutie prišlo samo. A bolo správne. Študujem to, čo som si vybrala na základe intuície. Zistila som, že tá druhá možnosť by aj tak stroskotala na nevedomostiach zo strednej školy (ďakujem v dobrom či zlom slova zmysle? Hm?).

A čo tým chcem vlastne povedať? Život, rodičia, udalosti nám vždy ponúknu/ukážu/dajú cestu ktorou ísť, no je nás či sa odhodláme s ňou bojovať alebo ju zmeniť. Základné, stredné školy sú v princípe o základných vedomostiach. Hlavnú rolu hrá tá vysoká. 
My sami sa rozhodneme na akú ísť, kam na ňu ísť, či vôbec ísť alebo začať pracovať. Gab year je tiež možnosť. 
Za možnosť nepokladám výber na základe nútenia od blízkych či známych ani výber len pre to, nech niečo mám. Ide predsa o slobodný výber nás samých. 
Polemizovať sa dá až potom, keď to bol náš výber a máme možnosť si ten výber aj skúsiť, povedať či som urobil/a dobre alebo zle. 
Moja maličkosť ešte na jeseň

22. 1. 2019

Gift ideas not just for x-mas- inexpensive

We are giving and receivig presents during a year too. It is not just "christmas thing".
Here are some reasonable ones which make (in my opinion) everyone satisfied.
This kind of presents are my favorites- useful, cute, inexpensive and always make me smile

You can get them either to a girl or a boy.
Tea lover? Coffee lover? Cacao lover? A cup. 
You can find plenty of designs, colors, sizes,..

Do you like nice aromas? Candles 
Also there is a wide rane of them. aroma lamps, candlesticks,..


Towels. Again. Many of them. Just choose the right one for your gifted person.
You can not do wrong with photos! Give your memories in a frame and done. You have porsonal present. 
Another good idea are flowers. In a pot is the best. But you never go wrong with rose (my fav is white one, hih).
Back to drugstore. My favorite store for buying useful presents.

 Shower gels, shampoo, body lotions, creams, scrubs, so on... Ther is no option. You just need to find their favorite brands, aromas or just what they are buying the most. In my opinion vanilla, flover or fruit are go-to aromas (or just for me?!)

A small sample of gifts that I like to receive because there is never enough of them in your life.
It is not about the price. But about the person you want to make happy.

Have a nice day and make someone smile today!

19. 1. 2019

Ordinary girl- lyrics

When I named this blog a long time ago I did not know this song.. I found it few days ago. When i heard it I immediately found myself in that lyrics. So if you were wondering who I am, here it is.
Ordinary Girl
Louis Sneakers
Kylie Lip Kit
Cartier Bracelet
Could live without fancy things
Loving life in my ripped jeans
Taking Snapchat selfies
I celebrate everyday
Trying to be just an ordinary girl
In this extra ordinary world
I'm a typical teen living out dreams
Watching life take shape
Taking it day by day
It can happen to you
It can happen to me
Just to any ordinary girl
Eyes on the big stage
Mind on the test I take
Live stream study breaks
Long nights make longer days
Someday I wanna do big things
But I don't gotta be Superman
Stars are just dreams
Work hard and reach
And you can do anything
Not an ordinary girl
In this extra ordinary world
Not a typical teen living out dreams
Watching life take shape
Taking it day by day
It can happen to you
It can happen to me
Just to any ordinary girl
Keep your eyes ahead
And don't look back at what you've been
If you keep going
Time will tell you when it's right
Make your philosophy
To live in belief at what you dream
Not an ordinary girl
In this extra ordinary world
Not a typical teen, living out dreams
Watching life take shape
Taking it day by day
It can happen to you
It can happen to me
Just to any ordinary girl
Ordinary Girl                  

17. 1. 2019

Save by shopping differently

Are you a student?
Don´t you have enough money?
Do you want to save some but not in a hard way?/ Don´t you have enough time to work?
Here I come with an idea.
If you are happy where you are, but some extra money are a good think, what about doing your shopping in a different way?
Let me explain it to you:

This practice I have been doing all my life so far. It really works. I am glad that I found this way in my early years. It is not always about working all day long, especially when you are a student. You have homeworks to do, learning, memorising or as me also you need to do domestic chores to help your parents at home. 
So my way of saving is a clever buying
When I am in a shop I am looking at prices of the same products but from different brands. I mostly everytime choose the cheepest one. Instead of 2.50 euro thing you can have one for 1.75. It really works. Just look around and be patient in stores or supermarkets.
My another hack is a bit oldish, but check leaflets or web sites of the shop to see things which are in sale. It will be an useful type before you buy anything more expensive than you need.
Make a list. Always know what you are going for in a shop. Write things you need and be sure you will buy them and not so many extra things.
Do not buy useless items!!! Avoid buying things you just like at that moment or when you are hungry. Thinking before buying! Sellers have plenty of tricks to persuade you to buy anything. Colors, sizes, eye-catchers, so on.. Be smart. 
If you are buying this thngs, stop it! It will save you a big amount of money to.. For example: Soda (make your homemade limonade/ buy a sodastream), candy, sweets in general (again, homemade cake is the best), "health treats"/fitness food/supplements (if you really want to have a good figure or eat healthy just move and eat real food, veggies, fruits, vitamins from your garden), plastic bags (there is a reason why you must ay for them.. bring yor own shopping bag), designer clothers ( you can find designer clothers from second-hand shops, bazaars, friends, on fb sites,..), home decorations (Is that yellow dog in your living room really the thing you can not live without?), restaurants and bars (drinking every weekend? pizza or chinese food every second day? Limonade for 4 euros twice a week? You can enjoy your food at home or have a date sometimes too but so often).. 
I can name a lot more, but it is up to you if you want to practise it.

This is just my way of saving money in not very hard way for a "full-time" student.
To be honest I am not very food or clothers type of person so it is easy for me. I rather spend my money on trips, memories, friends,.. that´s my weak part of saving. But in my opinion the most reasonable one.

What about you? 

15. 1. 2019

I'll Never Love Again - Film Version- lyrics

A song is written in words of my heart.
 I saw a movie a star is born and I really enjoyed it.
 The best movie I have ever seen.
 This song made my cry a river. 
Every single word in that is a description of my feelings.
 I have lost two beloved people in my life- my mom and love of my life so far.
To both I did not make goodbye in time. 
Be thankful for everyone in your life. 
You never know how long they will be there.
I'll Never Love Again - Film Version
Wish I could, I could've said goodbye
I would've said what I wanted to
Maybe even cried for you
If I knew it would be the last time
I would've broke my heart in two
Tryin' to save a part of you
Don't wanna feel another touch
Don't wanna start another fire
Don't wanna know another kiss
No other name falling off my lips
Don't wanna give my heart away
To another stranger
Or let another day begin
Won't even let the sunlight in
No, I'll never love again
I'll never love again, oh, oh, oh, oh
When we first met
I never thought that I would fall
I never thought that I'd find myself
Lying in your arms
And I want to pretend that it's not true
Oh baby, that you're gone
'Cause my world keeps turning, and turning, and turning
And I'm not moving on
Don't wanna feel another touch
Don't wanna start another fire
Don't wanna know another kiss
No other name falling off my lips
Don't wanna give my heart away
To another stranger
Or let another day begin
Won't even let the sunlight in
No, I'll never love
I don't wanna know this feeling
Unless it's you and me
I don't wanna waste a moment, ooh
And I don't wanna give somebody else the better part of me
I would rather wait for you, ooh
Don't wanna feel another touch
Don't wanna start another fire
Don't wanna know another kiss
Baby, unless they are your lips
Don't wanna give my heart away
To another stranger
Don't let another day begin
Won't let the sunlight in
Oh, I'll never love again
Never love again
Never love again
Oh, I'll never love again

11. 1. 2019

Tips what to watch part IV.

Anther part of my fav serial stories is here! Nowadays I am in love with this ones:

1. Single parents-  is an American sitcom television series that premiered on September 26, 2018 on ABC. It stars Taran KillamLeighton MeesterKimrie LewisBrad GarrettJake Choi, Marlow Barkley, Tyler Wladis, Devin Trey Campbell, Mia Allan, and Ella Allan, and follows a group of adults who must venture through single parenthood with their young kids.

2. Fuller house-  is an American sitcom created by Jeff Franklin that airs as a Netflix original series, and is a sequel to the 1987–1995 television series Full House. It centers around D.J. Tanner-Fuller, a veterinarian and widowed mother of three sons, whose sister Stephanie and best friend Kimmy—along with her teenage daughter—live together at the Tanners' childhood home in San Francisco, California. Most of the original series ensemble cast have reprised their roles on Fuller House, either as regular cast members or in guest appearances.

3. Young Sheldon- Meet a child genius named Sheldon Cooper; (already seen as an adult in The big bang theory (2007)) and his family. Some unique challenges face Sheldon who seems socially impaired.

4. The chilling adventures of Sabrina-  is an American supernatural horror web television series developed by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa for Netflix, based on the Archie comic book series of the same name. Sabrina Spellman must reconcile her dual nature as a half-witch, half-mortal while fighting the evil forces that threaten her, her family and the daylight world humans inhabit.

Do you know any of them? 
Did you find them interesting?
I hope you did. :)

10. 1. 2019

New Year's?!? resolution

New year= new me??

1. Living life- At first, I avoided all of my social media and deleted my Instagram account. I want to live a real life without sharing it with everyone else. I want to enjoy every moment by myself. Not to pretend a fake life on Instagram or anywhere on the internet. 

                      Secondly, my secret wish is to travel a lot. To visit new places, cultures, meet new people, explore. Be aware of the world outside the window, but also I would like to make nice memories in my country too. To experience everything I am interested in. Trippin´ all the time, hah.

2. Be a good person- Thirdly, I need to strenghten my relations within my family and relatives. Be more helpful, thankful and listen more. Moreover, have that type of behavior to everyone, be honest, be the best version of myself. Even more I treat the planet more considerately. To separate, re-use products, avoid plastic things as much as possible, lower consumption. inforn people about current and long-term problems we are causing (global warming, deforestation, politics and so on).

3. Health care- Finally, last but not least we can say resolution is my health (body, skin, hair, etc.). I want to improve my immune system, take/eat more vitamines, have much better food intake (colorful, healthier, balanced). Play more sport, move as much as I can, stretch often.
                        As for the outside of my body: moisture, moisture, moisture! I used to be the worst person in doing that. Natural products are must-have for your hair, skin, even nails. No parfume items are really good too.

Do you have any NY´s/long-term resolutions?
These are my current, but also long-time ones. I try to make the best for a long time not just from the first of January till the sixth of January.

Hopefully you got inspired by this article and will do something similar or the same too. Have a lovely day! See ya!

P.S. Now you can find me only on Facebook or send me a mail.