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Alnwick castle! Vitajte v jednom z britských najznámejších hradov. Je dôležitou súčasťou britského dedičstva; jeho steny sú naplnené ...

30. 9. 2019

September 2019 favorites

September. School has just started. It is getting colder. Sun is less and less strong but we still have our favorite things even we are not in our favorite part of the year (or are we?). I mixed last days of holidays and first week in school during September. Last summer trip. First homeworks. I hope you started your school in a right way.
Fav food- chickpeas (nice recipe- combine them with some pasta and tomato sauce)
Fav drink- schweppes argumes (refreshing fizzy drink during hot days)
Fav place- French Riviera (all the places I have visited there I can highly recommend)
Fav tv serial- young girl (New episodes are out!)
Fav theme- luxurious (Monte Carlo style catch my attention)
Fav ootd- Tommy Hilfiger white snickers (i want to invest in good pair of white shoes)
Fav hair product- Regenerating condicioner by Bione (makes foam, no parfumes, no animal testing, natural)
Fav skin care product- Extra nourishing skin cream by Bione (also really good product by Bione, quick absorption, light aroma)
Fav quote- If you can not do great things, do small things in a great way. (-Napoleon Hill)
See you in my next post in autumn!

27. 9. 2019


Aktin.sk is my partner in crime for good quality of food and products. So next order was clear option. You know I am a huge fan of eco-friendly, low-waste lifestyle, but also I am not perfect.
Yes, I order items from e-shops.
Yes, I buy products packed in plastic.
Yes, I chew chewing gums.
Yes, I drink fizzy drinks.
BUT not everyday or week.
I try to reduce this I would say my addictions to minimum.
When shopping/ ordering I think twice if it is something I really want or need. This time I order food for my vacation and some plastic free products to try.
Gluten free pasta (I love gluten but nice change) was in a good price and it is healthy and quick meal on your holiday or during a busy day. Just boil it add some sauce, veggie/legumes/cheese and loala. Food is ready to eat.
Patifu- spread made from tofu and veggies saved you from starving when you are all day on a trip. In a supermarket buy some bread or baguette. Snack/lunch to-go for unassuming people.
Protein bread- I do not buy this type of bread. It was gift to 4pack of patifu. But it is a nice way to supplement some proteins when you have lack of them in a day.
Solid shampoo and conditioner in one- I used this kind of shampoo in the past and I really liked it, so I buy more for traveling or enviroment friendly household. No parfumes, chemicals, just natural ingredients. It does its job just like any other shampoo.
Curanature toothbrush carbon- nature supplement to basic tooth brush with carbon fiber bristles.
At least some of the products are eco-friendly and others are healthy. Make you own opinion about it. I like this website and their products. They also do they best to be more and more kind to the planet.
What is your forbidden treat?

20. 9. 2019

Cannes, Saint Tropez

1 day, 3 cities, 100 of memories and 1000 views! 
City of film festivals, city with ferris wheel, home city of Le Gendarme de Saint Tropez- these are the main reasons we went to Cannes, Saint Raphael and Saint Tropez.
 We love movies, history, architecture and they all offer it.
We took train from Nice in the morning and our first stop was Cannes. Luxurious city with amazing beaches started our one-day-trip perfectly. We saw red carpet, walk of fame, branded boutiques, posters of the newest films, promenade and port.

This sandy beach is my favorite one from all we had visited during this vacation. Sparkling sand, glittering water, few people. We recharged energy and continued in our way.
We took train from Cannes to Saint Raphael- here we had a small stop and from there we went by bus to Saint Tropez.
Stunning port as in every city on French Riviera.
Saint tropez is cute smaller city on the coast. It was our final destination of the day. Port, small cafés, restaurants and nice landscape make this place very calm and flashy at the same time. We also went to the beach. To be honest, it was not very pleasant one, but we were just on one in the city so there is for sure more nicer ones. But nothing terrible! Good sandy beach to cooler you after all day of walking.
Panoramic view on the bench outside the city centre.
Famous port with small promenade and yummy sorbets (raspberry was heaven)!
Behind the crowded centre is this fancy little hidden place
Our expenses during this day of traveling as a student:
Train Nice-Cannes ... 5.40 euro
Train Cannes-Saint Raphael ... 5,90 euro
Bus Saint Raphael-Saint Tropez ... 3 euro
Bus Saint tropez-Saint Raphael ... 3 euro
Train Saint Raphael-Nice ... 9,60 euro
Food ... depends (we had our own breakfast, snacks, lunch, fast food for dinner)
An incredible experience to see these cities. I love to go through places where important or interesting things and events happened or happens. I am addicted to exploring new parts of the world. 
P.S. prices are written according to my experience, they could or could not be the same as yours if you go there.
I hope you enjoy my travel diary as much as I did writing it.
Travel, love, live. See you next time.

13. 9. 2019


During my vacation in France I visited also Monaco as one of the five cities on the French Riviera I went to. This microstate- second smallest country in the world after the Vatican stole my heart. I was expecting a big city life, but the atmosphere there was even more amazing than I thought. Especially landscape, views and Monte Carlo part. All of it I had seen for free.
 There is easy and cheap way to Monaco by train. I went from Nice to Monaco as a student for 3,10 euro (one way). It took about 25 minutes to get there. In term of outlook, indescribably views started in the train. From each window you are able to see either hilly country or Azure sea. It made our way more interesting and shorter.
Port de Fontvielle (with the view at the stade Louis II, espace Fontveille and hotels)
Port Hercule
Eslanade sun set
Lunch view on the bench
Streets of Monaco, not all of them are filled.
insta- friendly walls not far from Palais Princier
 If you want to make your trip here more interesting go to Musée océanographique et aquarium. Students pay 10 euro in September to see the whole Museé.
All kinds of fish, turtles and more! 
Big ones 
Small ones 
And panoramic view at the top of the building.
You will learn a lot here. About sea world, what where is living, doing, eating, living,.. I enjoyed it.
To be honest, we went to Monaco twice. Once during the day and once in the evening but all in all one day trip from Nice to Monaco as a student: 
Nice-Monaco ... 3,10 euro
Monaco-Nice ... 3,10 euro
Museum ... 10 euro
Food ... it depends (we have our own breakfast and lunch, dinner back in Nice)
Hopefully I will come back soon! Love it! Like it! Enjoy it!
To see more-> cathédrale, beaches, casinos, shops, restaurants, bars,...
P.S. prices are written according to my experience, they could or could not be the same as yours if you go there.
See you in my next article. Bye :)

10. 9. 2019


After visiting Paris we decided to explore France more and go to the coast to enjoy sun, sand and beaches. We have no doubt about French Riviera. We chose it and booked our trip. Budget friendly trip took five days and we visited more than just Nice (you will see in next posts). So let us get started with my experience with the first city of our vacation.
Really big airport in Nice with hashtag outside. This airport is important for French Riviera. People are going to more cities from here, For example to Cannes, Monaco (by helicopter or train),etc..
Fly tickets: kiwi.com (for sure the cheapest offers on flights for Slovaks, there were more cheaper than ours but in time we did not have time to travel)
Accomodation: airbnb.com (as usually our favorite website for accomodations, once again there were even cheaper than our but we were so close to train stations, we have 2 balconies, washing maschine, dish washer, coffee maschine, hair dryer, all kind of cleanings products, toaster, microwave and more!)
Free atractions: old town aisles, markets with almost everything, crowded and also calm streets, Promenade des Anglais, beaches, hashtags, Castle hill, port
Paid attractions: we do not pay anything but there are museums, palais, opera, water attractions, cinemas, boattrips and a lot more to do when paying!
Promenade des Anglais and wonderful view on Azure sea with stony beaches.
Here you can see private and free ones. It is separated so you are able to choose or hotel tells you which is their.
Long promenade offers nice sitting areas by the sea to take a rest and seek the colors of côte d´azur.
Charming old buildings are all around the city, narrow streets as well.
Many different ornaments, cultures and colors.

You will not be hungry at all. Home cuisine, worldwide cuisine, fast foods, homemade meals, so on..
Nice is perfect destination for holidays. Long promenade for walking, running, skating or for a bike, really clean beaches, blue sea, markets with food, homemade items, flowers, soaps, souvenires, old architecture of buildings, kind people and good restaurants made your staying there really good. You do not need to spend lot of money to have nice trip. It is about the place itself and people around you. It is up to you how you manage your time and what you like to do.
To sum up, we paid fly tickets, apartment we stayed in.
Additional expenses were:
°city transport ticket (10 for 10 euro), it is convenient for geting faster around the city
 °food from supermarket (do not have any evidence but food is more expensive than in Slovakia but cheaper than in Paris), we all need to eat and drink, right?
 °souvenirs (10 euro), nice memory is must have for me
°pizza (11 euro), trying new restaurants is fun
 and than trains to next places you will see next time!
P.S. prices are written according to my experience, they could or could not be the same as yours if you go there.
Till that time have a nice day my deers, your Ordinary.

3. 9. 2019

Ku kávičke #inslovak II

Sľúbené pokračovanie typov na čítanie nielen na leto je tu opäť. Tieto sa m podarili prečítať počas mesiaca august. Znova všetky vrelo odporúčam. Ide o jednoduchú pekne písanú literatúru hlavne pre dievčatá. Príbehy, osudy, lásky, momenty- to všetko sa skrýva za týmito obalmi kníh. 
Neskutočná, neskutočná, neskutočná. Táňa Keleová-Vasilková ma svojim štýlom písania dostala. Každá jej kniha je jedinečná, osobitná, no v konečnom dôsledku ich aj tak všetky spájajú spoločná vec a to spôsob písania pani spisovateľky. Krásne príbehy, jasné, presné opisy ani dlhé, ani krátke, vždy tam, kde sa hodia.
Už sa neviem dočkať ako prečítam ďalšie skvosty od nej. Dúfam, že sa mi počas života podarí prečítať všetky jej diela.
Kniha z doby, kedy podľa mňa móda ako taká znamenala (teda aspoň podľa mňa to, čo naozaj má). Vydané v roku 1995, plné známych módnych značiek, návrhárov, ikón a trendov sa hodí prečítať každej žene aj v tomto storočí. Pretože móda sa mení, no gro ostáva a každým rokom sa k nemu čoraz viac žien rado vracia. V knihe sú i rozhovory so známymi osobnosťami a ich pohľadmi na danú tému.
Nakoniec som si nechala túto "mini drámu". Príbeh o odvážnych ženách, ktoré ani jedna nemali ľahký život a možno práve to ich spojilo a spoločne dokázali oveľa viac. Nástrahy, ktoré nám život predloží nikdy nevieme ako skončia a ku komu nás privedú, no odhodlanie prežiť a bojovať za pravdu nakoniec zvíťazia. 

Taste test

I thought I could do some taste test. This month (do not make fun of us, please) Lidl in Slovakia finally added to their stores more vegan and lact-free items. I hope that for more than one week. So I bought some things there and let us try!
Vegan frozen pizze. Big expectations, big disappointment for me. Crust was okay like any other frozen pizza has, but the topping.. I would say that with vegetables you never go wrong, well, I was wrong. Weird taste, weird white things on the top, but I was hungry and after all huge portion of ketchup made me eat it all. Not a disaster, but I would definitelly "fix" flavors, topping and seasoning. 5/10 
On the other hand, this soya pudding was really nice! Strong vanilla flavor, good consistency and unlike Alpro soy dessert less sugary taste. 9/10
With this yogurt I was expecting strong sweet coconut taste. The opposite was true. Plain white yogurt perfct to combine with bth sweet and salty food. Just a small coconut taste in it. Nothing really catchy. If you love coconut go for something else. f you are looking for plant-based plain yogurt- this one is good. 8/10
Is there any of your favorites?