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29. 5. 2015

Jelly? Jelly!

Casting sunkiss jelly

by L´oréal Paris

Get summer in a tube with Casting Sunkiss by Healthy Look, a soft translucent leave-in jelly that gradually lightens hair in 3-5 uses. Create a natural sunkissed look with a long-lasting radiant gloss. All this, and no ammonia.

Step 1
Apply the jelly onto loose hair using your fingers and palms.
Step 2
Run your fingers through your hair several times, paying particular attention to the locks around the face. These lighter locks will give you a tousled, natural “wild look” with a #sunista gypsetter attitude that 
is chic, bohemian and edgy.
Step 3
Let your hair dry without rinsing or blow-drying for a more intense sunkissed look.

Step 1
Place your hair in a high ponytail and apply the jelly with the palm of your hands.
Step 2
Spread the jelly through the hair by placing your hands on each side of your face and on top of your head, working it right to the root of your hair.
Step 3
Apply the jelly to the lengths of the ponytail, paying particular attention to the tips. You can also apply it to a half ponytail, “Mohawk” style, to give the lighter hair around your face that sunkissed look and an instant healthy glow. It is the perfect look for all would-be Californians who love the sun and want to be blonde all year long.
http://www.lorealparis.ca/_en/_ca/brands/sunkiss-jelly/ here you can find more information 
I love it so much. :) 

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