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Alnwick castle! Vitajte v jednom z britských najznámejších hradov. Je dôležitou súčasťou britského dedičstva; jeho steny sú naplnené ...

3. 7. 2018


Today I will "talk" about our environment. I am a fan of eco-friendly, cruelty-free, separating and all that kind of things.
 So are you? Yes/not?

I rather reuse products, remake items to make them more useful for me than buy new ones every single time. 
My theory saunds like "not perfect, but at least i tried". 
Not 100% naked life or anything.. 
But I feel better when I safe our Earth.
 I will not give you duties to do.
 I just wanted to mention that we are here to be in symbiosis with our planet not to destroy it.
Be green. Be smart. Be helpful.

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