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Alnwick castle! Vitajte v jednom z britských najznámejších hradov. Je dôležitou súčasťou britského dedičstva; jeho steny sú naplnené ...

9. 6. 2019

Tips what to watch part VI.

Hi there, today I am bringing you some chill-relaxing-short kind of tv series. I really like them especially this time of the year- no school, no homeworks, no hard brain working. These ones are killing it!! Really really good plot, ideas, stories. I just love it. All of them are new and american origin.
1. FAM is an American television sitcom series about a couple who is about to get married. Sister of  Clem move in to their flat and they both are dealing with own family problems with dad and experiencing loving family times with Nick and his mom and dad.
2. DEAD TO ME is an American dark comedy web television series about new, strong friendship of two women who have experienced a hard situations in their lifes.  Jen, a tightly wound widow, and Judy, a free spirit with a shocking secret.
3. GOOD GIRLS is an American crime comedy-drama television series. The series follows three mothers from michigan, tw of whom are sisters. They are having a hard time tryining to mae everything better. They rubber a supermarket and than thinks are going to be more complicted than before. 

So go watch it! Highly addicted. I swear. -your Ordinary

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