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13. 4. 2019

Tips for effective studying at the university

What have I learned about being a college student?
What is the most important thing to have on your mind?
Today I will show you my college routine/ student´s life/ learning tips I am following. 
1. Go to discourses- What is the point of being at the university and actually not going there? It is free, most of the times interesting, new information, YOU choose it, drinking all night-sleep all day- you should stay at home than. 
2. Listen at this classes- What is the point of being at discourse when you are not listening? You should stay at home again. There you have chance to get new knowledge and get smarter.
3. Make notes- What is the point of listening when you will not remeber it afterwards? Write it down! Take a pen and notebook to every single class. You never know when you will need the information from there.
4. Highlighting/ underlining- What is the point of writing when it is boring long text with no colors to catch your attention? Be fancy, make it more colorful, underline, draw, make tables,.. it is more effective way of writing notes than just plain blue or black words.
5. Take the first one- What is the point of doing presentation when everyone else is ver and no one is listening or paying attention? Take the first round, students will be more interested and teacher will be nicer. 
6. Think forward- What is the point of making homeworks/presentations when you are out of time and you just put there the worst version? Make a plan/ to do list, and make your stuff during the whole period of time not the last night before exam. 
7. Revise continuously- What is the point of the whole earning when you are not really learning it? Read your notes, make it more complex, try to remember the most, do not leave it for later.

These are my 7 tips to get through the year easily. It is not working for everyone this way, but i am satisfied with it. Maybe i will do more of this kind of articles. What do you think? For now have a nice day.

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