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20. 5. 2016

Pancakes recipe

 My ordinary pancakes!

(I am sorry, they are not so healthy, organic or vegan, but so good, nutritions and tasty. :))

45g flour
125ml milk
1 egg
pinch of baking powder

Procedure:Mix all ingredients except oil in one bowl. Put oil on the frying pan and warm it up. Then add mixture on the pan. Fry it from both sides as long as you wish. We can serve it with curd and chopped banana. 
P.S. I did not add sugar in to mixture, because I just like them plain and bananas are sweet enought. You can add the sugar if you want.
Recipe is for 1 portion. (cca 5 small pancakes or 3 big)
Or two portions?! 

If you add some coffee. It would be even better.
My little sleeping princess.

Sia my deers! :))

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